Hello 2019!

A Very Happy New Year to All of You Lovelies!

Now, even though the holidays are over and we are packing up the peppermint sprinkles, the sparkly lights and the pine smelling trees until next year - the celebrating should only be just beginning! This is the brand new start, to a whole new year!

There are so many great things that are going to happen to all of us this year, and the best part is that we don’t even know they are coming our way until they are here! That’s why we call today the present. It’s a gift - every moment is. And its our choice on how we want to remember those moments. So I’m challenging you to take more photos or yourself, your kids, your mom and dad. Remember their faces, how their face lights up when they laugh, how your partners face looks when they look back at you. And remember to climb out from behind that camera, and have photos taken of you.

Every family I know has a designated photographer. My mom was ours - camera in hand for every sporting event, family vay-cay, birthdays, christmas - you name it. As I’ve gotten older though - I’ve realized how many photos we are truly missing of her - and how the walls in our house have been stark of family photographs for the longest time.


Now I couldn’t think of a better way to help you celebrate you and your families than with a big ol’ fashioned SALE! Now who doesn’t love a good sale! So if you inquire and book before January 31st you will receive a 15% discount on your package! And this deal is applicable to all of my packages - all singles portrait sessions, couples portrait sessions, and family sessions!

These Sessions can be outdoor, or an indoor lifestyle shoot! So don’t be shy if you have any questions at all I would love to hear from you! Hopefully we can plan your dream photo session together!


So everyone is supposed to set a goal, or rather a ‘resolution’ to have completed by the new year of 2020; and I’ve thought about this pretty thoughoughly the past few weeks/months. My goal for my family in 2019, is to hire someone to take our family portrait. Our last one was taken at Sears (and that says allot in itself) and my little brother still had his baby teeth and I had bangs - so a VERY long time ago. My mom was still sporting her curls for goodness sake! But, life happens, things get pushed aside and its just one of those things that fall to the wayside in life. Don’t let it be though - because your family deserves to have a house filled with love, memories, and most importantly photos of yourself. Not for vanity - just for the sheer fact of having them, a record of you and how you are living your life in a photo format. Print those photos, pop them on the wall and I promise you they will bring your happiness this year.
